We come alongside relationships at various stages with resources, counseling, and other support to facilitate healthy, authentic relationships. Whether your family is thriving or struggling, we want to walk alongside you and hope you see the hope of the gospel. Marriage Foundations currently meets at McLean. 

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Staff Contacts

Laura Welke
Director of Care
[email protected]

Premarital Counseling: Marriage Foundations

Next Marriage Foundations course: March 28–29, 2025
Marriage Foundations is our premarital class; it is required for those who wish to be married at our church. This weekend course covers a number of relevant topics and is offered multiple times a year. Counseling appointments are included for those who participate in the course and include 6-month and 1 year post-marriage check-ins.
Recommended resources include The Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller; What Did You Expect? by Paul Tripp; Love & Respect by Emerson Eggerichs.

Sacred Marriage Small Groups

Every aspect of marriage provides opportunities to grow in Christ’s character. Join a six-session small group to study Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas, which aims to equip you to love God more passionately, reflect the nature of his Son more precisely, and fulfill God’s overarching purpose for your marriage.

Contact Laura Welke ([email protected]) for more information.

Support for Military Families

More than one in ten persons in our church is current or former military. Connect with other military members and find community or support, whether you are stateside or deployed.


Transitioning to or from the Capital region? We’d be honored to assist you in whatever way(s) we can, regardless of whether you choose to attend our church. Contact .