Evangelism & Discipleship. Justice & Mercy. Church Planting.
We partner with organizations and individuals in our country and around the world in order to provide meaningful, sustainable ministry for the purpose of gospel redemption and renewal. We form deep, long-term relationships with fewer ministry partners that will result in strong, meaningful investments.
Global Partners
African Inland Church — Tanzania
African Inland Church — Tanzania
City-to-City (Germany)
City-to-City (Istanbul)
East-West Ministries
International Justice Mission (IJM)
Kenya Mercy Ministries
New Harvest Missions International
North Africa
Oakseed Ministries
The Philemon Project
Reformed Partnership for Indonesia
Romanian Christian Enterprises
Serge (Short-Term Missions)
Young Life Scotland
African Inland Church — Tanzania
The African Inland Church Tanzania (AICT) is committed to loving and glorifying God and to planting and cultivating maturing local churches. Through many ministries AICT works to meet spiritual, educational, social and physical needs. Bishop Peter Pharles serves in the Diocese of Mara Ukerewe, a remote and poor area of Tanzania. A key ministry in Mara Ukerewe is the provision of wells that meet physical needs while sharing the life-giving waters of redemption in Christ.
City-to-City D-A-CH started as the Deutschland Projekt a church planting movement which began ten years ago with a City-to-City church plant in Berlin, that expanded within Berlin and then to Hamburg. The vision grew to reach all of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (D-A-CH) and eventually all of Europe by encouraging and training German and other European pastors in church planting movements. Today McLean Presbyterian supports the general City-to-City D-A-CH network based in Frankfurt, and recently began directly supporting network churches in the western-German city of Dortmund and former East German city of Magdeburg. For more information contact Timothy Newbrander or click the button below.
A former church planter with the DeutschlandProjekt is planting a church in Turkey through an organization which equips church planters to start gospel movements in cities across the world. Turkey is a predominantly muslim country, and Christians are often persecuted. He and his family are working to bring the gospel to this dangerous and hostile context.
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East-West Ministries (Caribbean Islands)
East-West Ministries boldly ventures into the darkest areas of the world with the mission to impact lives with the gospel of Jesus Christ. East-West facilitates a first century church planting model that emphasizes “house churches” as the principle place to disciple believers. We are currently invested in resourcing a strategic Caribbean Island.
IJM is a global organization with a plan to eliminate the slave trade everywhere. They work to rescue and restore victims, bring criminals to justice, and strengthen justice systems.
Kibera is the largest urban slum in Africa, with an area of on square mile and population estimates of up to 1,000,000. Through the leadership of Imbumi & Martha Makuku, Kibera Reformed Presbyterian Church provides ministries meeting the spiritual, social, physical, and mental needs of the families living there. Ministries include Sunday services, Bible studies, a school for children in grades 1-5, and a family home which safely houses children facing abuse or abandonment.
New Harvest Missions International is an organization with a vision for church planting in West Africa. Most of the population is Muslim; others merely acknowledge belief in the traditions of Christianity without a true saving relationship with the Jesus Christ. New Harvest aims to establish a generation of true disciples and worshipers in the northern regions of West Africa. This is an indigenous mission: 100% of staff and workers are West African nationals.
Long-time McLean Presbyterian members, Tom and Jane have served overseas for over 17 years. Their heart for reaching North Africa has taken them to a strategic country where they are:
helping the struggling local church disciple members;
encouraging foreign workers to persevere; and
training new workers for North Africa.
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Oakseed Ministries
Founded in 1992 by McLean Presbyterian member Ed Bradley, Oakseed assists indigenous ministries that bring the Gospel to abandoned children and the poor in the mega-cities of the developing world. Oakseed also seeks to educate the church about the needs of the urban poor in these areas.
Currently, the organization supports 24 indigenous ministry partners around the world through prayer, funding and training; these ministries impact approximately 300,000 people each week.
The Philemon Project’s GROW Center seeks to address the enormous challenges in Lebanon by focusing efforts on providing the best possible Christian-led, pro-social early childhood development center and adult mentoring program. GROW welcomes underserved children and families from all ethnicities and religious backgrounds, providing a healthy place for children ages one to four years old to explore their world and grow: cognitively, socially and spiritually.
Indonesia is the world’s fourth most populous country and has the world’s largest muslim population. The Reformed Partnership for Indonesia is driven by the great need for the gospel to go forth to the millions of people that live there.
The Reformed Partnership for Indonesia has taken the unique opportunity to facilitate western churches serve alongside the Indonesian church to display the gospel in both word and deed in muslim communities. They do this through cultural engagement with Indonesian institutions such as school, hospitals, and clinics, and church planting.
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Romanian Christian Enterprises
Romanian Christian Enterprises (RCE) was founded by McLean Presbyterian members in 1992 with a mission to bring help and hope through the gospel to the poor, the oppressed, the widow and the orphan to the glory of God and the advancement of his kingdom. This mission is accomplished through micro-economic development to strengthen poor families and prevent abandonment, domestic adoption for orphans, and recuperative group homes for abandoned children with special needs.
Through Serge, an international missions agency, this team has been working for 20 years to create a movement of grace-oriented, Jesus-dependent, self-sustaining churches. The team is transitioning to a stronger emphasis on discipleship and leadership development to catalyze growth, healing, and gospel understanding among the people of Quillota, Chile.
Chip and Meredith Jones have been serving in Chile since 2010.
Serge is a nondenominational foreign mission agency founded in the Reformed tradition. It currently has more than 200 missionaries serving in 16 countries in Africa, Eastern and Western Europe, South America and South Asia. We support Brad Wallace, who lives in the states and helps set up short term trips for church members to help them learn more about the work of teams around the world, and Gabby Hartley in Southern Spain.
Thirdmill provides biblical education, for the world, for free. Their goal is to provide Christian education to hundreds of thousands of pastors around the world who lack sufficient training for ministry. To meet this goal, Thirdmill is publishing and globally distributing a free multilingual, multimedia, digital seminary curriculum in English, Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), Russian and Spanish.
Of the 1.2 million kids under 18 in Scotland, 6,000 high school students are truant each day. One third of 15 year-old girls drink alcohol weekly and Scotland reports the highest rate of teen pregnancy in Europe. Young Life steps into these adult-sized problems to walk alongside students. By building relationships, Young Life shows students that they are made for more than what they are currently living for.