Whether or not you consider yourself an artist, you’re invited! Gather with us to enjoy...
More InfoStick around immediately after the service on January 19 for a brief (15-20 minute) update from...
More InfoWith biblical teachings on grief and recovery, you will have an opportunity to interact with...
More InfoKids for the King Children’s Choir rehearses every Sunday, 4-5pm and any child aged 4yrs–6th grade...
More InfoClub 45 (for 4th & 5th graders), Communicants (for 6th graders), and Youth Group (7th–12th grades)
More InfoChristianity Explored is an ten-week interactive discussion group where people can bring their friends, family, and work colleagues to explore the Christian faith, ask questions, and share points of view.
More InfoThis Advent series includes four Sundays preceding Christmas. This series will help you wait with hope, and help people see the tension between celebrating and hoping.
We’d love to chat with you! Please reach out to Timo Sazo, our Interim Site Pastor ([email protected]) to talk about how to make our church in Capital Presbyterian Herndon a home for you and your family.