The Bible is God’s inspired Word and we embrace its truths: the deity of Christ, the virgin birth, Christ’s substitutionary atonement, his resurrection, and his second coming. We believe it speaks with great clarity on all things necessary for God’s glory and our salvation, faith, and life.

We are a church in the Herndon area that believes that grace changes everything. No matter where you are in sorting through what you believe about Jesus, the Bible, and Christianity, you’re welcome to explore with us.

Our Mission Statement

We exist to glorify and enjoy God by making disciples who make a difference through grace-filled worship, community, and mission.

  • Our Beliefs

  • Our Beliefs

  • Our Distinctions

The Bible is True

God loves to communicate with the people he created and the Bible is the book he wrote to do just that. In its perfect pages, he tells us all we need to know for this life and the life to come. The Bible has authority over all we do.

God is Triune

God has existed for all eternity as One Being and Three Persons. God is relational and loving in his very nature and he chose to share that relationship and love with his creation.

Humanity Exists in His Image

Humanity was created by God – in his image – to be in relationship with him. As such, every person on the face of the earth is of great value, possesses great dignity, and is worthy of great respect. All humans were created to reveal God’s image on earth. However, we all distort his image to some degree because of our sin.

Eternity is Real

There is more to life than what we see: God made every person who has ever lived with a soul that will never die. We will all live on forever: either in relationship with God (heaven) or separated from him (hell).

Sin Has Consequences

Sin is the rejection of relationship with God. Every person ever created has done this by doing things we shouldn’t do and by not doing the things we should. Such actions destroy our relationship with God, are offensive to him, and are counterproductive to our own joy.

Jesus Restores Our Souls

Jesus came to restore our relationship with God. Being fully God and fully human, he became our substitute: living the perfect life we couldn’t live, dying on the cross to pay the punishment our sin deserves, then rising again to conquer death.

Salvation is Through Faith Alone, By Grace Alone

There is absolutely nothing we can do to restore our relationship with God. No amount of work, effort, or good intentions can mend the mess we’ve made. Salvation can only come through Jesus. Consequently, it’s a free gift. Faith is the act of receiving this free gift, trusting that God reaches out in sovereign grace and draws us back into relationship through his Son. Why? Simply because he loves us.

The Holy Spirit Guides Us

God does not leave believers to make it through life on their own. Instead, he sends the Holy Spirit to dwell in our hearts. The Holy Spirit leads us into truth and gives us strength to follow Jesus.

The Church is God’s Community

Community is at the very heart of who God is and so he gave us the Church. We walk, not only with God, but also with other believers, loving one another well and working together to see God’s purposes for humanity fulfilled here on earth.

Jesus Will Return to Restore Creation

Jesus will return, bodily and visibly, to finish what he started. He will complete his promise to make all things new when he comes again, judging all humankind and receiving his people unto himself.


We believe in the comprehensive Lordship of God over all of life: creation, providence, and salvation are all initiated and consummated by the Lord.


God has initiated a loving relationship of loyalty with us as his people throughout history. There is one way to salvation in both Old and New Testaments: faith alone in Jesus Christ.


We embrace the Westminster Confession of Faith as a helpful framework in understanding the tenets of our faith.


God calls us to share his gospel through the Great Commission, and we passionately seek to fulfill this calling.


We are connected to Christians locally, regionally, and nationally through our denomination and beliefs.


Our church is a member of the Presbyterian Church in America. We are led by a plurality of elders and connected to other churches across our country.

Our church is a member of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). We do not exist for ourselves, but for the glory of God. For more details on what we believe, we encourage you to read the Westminster Confession of Faith.