
Monday, February 3, 2025


Designed2Connect (D2C) is offering a 10-week online small group experience that will help you explore how your family of origin impacts the way you connect with others today. We will look at such things as attachment styles, rupture and repair, styles of relating, and much more. The curriculum we use in these D2C Story Groups will take you on a journey of discovery of past events, from family vacations and dinner table dynamics to feelings of invalidation and times you felt betrayed. You will share your stories in a safe environment and discover more about yourself, how to engage others in deeper ways and discover God’s hand in your life.

Two Session Options:

We will meet weekly with groups on Mondays from 10am–12pm (starting February 3rd, led by a guest leader) and Tuesdays from 9:30–11:30am (starting February 4th). For more information contact Margaret Whisler at [email protected]

About Designed2Connect

Designed2Connect was founded and is led by members of our church. D2C equips people to connect deeper with God, others and themselves. Addressing our longings for connection, however, can be complicated. Sin, shame, trauma and fear can all get in the way of our ability to deepen relationships with our spouses, children and friends.

Through fundraising and partnering with professional Christian counselors, D2C subsidizes the cost of counseling for individuals who cannot afford standard fees. D2C also equips groups through training, and supports individuals through a variety of seminars.



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Margaret Whisler
Executive Director, Designed2Connect
[email protected]