Through the Bible, God gives us beautiful, compelling pictures of his church.

In these pictures we see that in church we learn what it means to be beloved (Eph. 5:25-27), what it means to belong (1 Peter 2:4-5), and what it means to serve others (1 Cor. 12:14-18). Church membership is how God places us in biblical community to love and to be loved.

Next Steps

Our Next Membership Session

Membership is a three-step process and includes our Discovering Grace class, the Membership Seminar, and Presentation at a worship service. 



How to Become a Member

Staff Contact

Timo Sazo
Pastor of Community
[email protected]

Step 1: Discovering Grace

Do you know Jesus?
Discovering Grace is the first step in our membership process, and covers the basics of our church’s beliefs and vision. This class meets for three Sundays and is a helpful introduction to our church and our denomination.


Step 2: Discovering Membership

What does membership* mean at our church?
You’ll share Saturday morning breakfast with our pastors as we talk about our church’s mission of making disciples who make a difference through grace-filled worship, community, and mission. Next, in one-on-one Sunday morning sessions, our Elders and Board of Women members will meet with you to get to know you better, hear the story of how God has worked in your life, and share their own experience of gospel grace.

Step 3: Presentation

Welcome to our church family!
Once you’ve completed the process, you’ll be part of our new member presentation at the Sunday morning service you plan to attend.

*The only requirement for membership at our church is a credible profession of faith in Jesus as your savior. For covenant children looking to become communing members, we offer our Communicants Class in sixth grade.


We joyfully baptize individuals of all ages who have not previously been baptized. This often occurs during our new member reception. As with membership, the only requirement for baptism is a sincere profession of faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

Contact [email protected] for details on baptism for adults and for infants.