Worship on Sundays provides several tangible ways for you to be a part of what God is doing in our midst. Please prayerfully consider how the Lord may be calling you to serve in the life of our church. No matter what your gifts are, there is a place for you on these teams.

Our Fall Kick-off is Sunday, September 8 and we have several regular ministries and new initiatives starting! Wherever you might want to serve, send us an interest form to indicate which
ministries you want to serve in this season.

Contact Timo Sazo ([email protected]) with any questions!

Children’s Ministry | Grades 0–K
Teach the children in our church about Jesus by teaching Sunday School, serving during Worship through our Buddy Ministry, or become a Children’s Ministry Supervisor. No prior experience required — we’ll train you!

BLAST | Grades 4th–6th
This is a once-a-month ministry on a Sunday evening (5:15pm-7pm) and is exactly what its name describes! Play games, enjoy each other’s company and more!

Student Ministries | Grades 7th–12th
Encourage our Students in their walk with Christ by teaching or co-teaching on Sundays or help lead our Student Hangout once a month for our 7th–9th graders.

Worship | A/V & Sound Techs
Opportunities range in required training and/or previous experience needed but anyone interested in hearing more should indicate interest. Needs include Tech Leads, Audio/Sound Board, Video, and slide management. Ample training will be provided.

Hospitality Team
Greet and engage with newcomers as they get to know our church. This team provides coverage at that table to answer questions and extend a welcome to anyone who stops by post service.

Sunday Lunch
Help on the first Sunday of every month September-May to facilitate Sunday Lunch at our church! This is a wonderful time of building community together as a church family.

ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages)
Show and share the love of Christ to our neighbors by serving with ESOL! This ministry meets on Thursday evenings (7-9pm) and is a wonderful outreach to our community.


Interest Form


Timo Sazo
Pastor of Community