Frequently Asked Questions
When do I need to arrive?
We recommend arriving 15 minutes ahead of time to park, enter the building, and make your way to the Welcome Center to get connected to a discipleship class (available for all ages, check-in at 9am and classes begin at 9:15am) or head to our 10:45am worship service.
Where do I park?
From Dranesville Road, turn right into the parking lot, then right again towards the side lot. Enter through the entrance facing the lot, the main entrance facing Dranesville Road (under the steeple), or the doors just beyond the main entrance. These entrances have labels 2, 3, or 4 above the doors.
Note: The entrances near the lower parking lot will be auto-locked throughout the morning in order to keep everything secure, but a greeter will be stationed to open the doors before class hour and the worship service.
What do I wear?
You’re invited to come as you are, whether it’s a suit or jeans you feel most comfortable wearing.
What should I expect a worship service to be like?
Explore a recent Worship Guide/Bulletin to be familiar with what you’ll experience during a service. Check out the grey text along the left-hand side for the explanation of why each element is important. Please note that food and drinks are not allowed in the auditorium per our agreement with the school.
What is available for my kids during worship?
All are welcome in the worship service, but Nursery/Childcare is available for young children (ages birth – Pre-K) during the 10:45am worship service. Your family is encouraged to come at 9am; Nursery and Sunday School is available for birth through 12th grade along with our Adult Christian Education class. Visit our Welcome Table located right outside the worship space or the Children’s Ministry Check-In area for additional information.