Women Discipling Women (WDW) is a program designed to provide an opportunity for women of all ages and stages of life to grow deeper in their faith, connect with other women in the church, and learn to disciple others. The program includes: 

  • weekly meetings in groups of three (Trios) for Bible study, prayer, accountability, and mutual encouragement; meeting time and location are flexible and will be determined by each Trio 
  • monthly All-Trio meetings which focus on aspects of discipleship and spiritual growth, Bible study tools, and community building 

Registration for the Fall 2024 Session has closed; stay tuned for info about our upcoming cohort in 2025!

Fall 2024 Session Schedule

  • Monday, September 9 | All-Trio Kick-off Meeting (Fellowship Hall, McLean Presbyterian Church (MPC)*) 
  • Weeks of September 16, 23, 30 | Trios meet according to individualized meeting time and location 
  • Monday, October 7 | All-Trio Meeting (Fellowship Hall, MPC) 
  • Weeks of October 14, 21, 28 | Trios meet according to individualized meeting time and location 
  • Monday, November 4 | All-Trio Meeting (Fellowship Hall, MPC) 
  • Weeks of November 11 and 18Trios meet according to individualized meeting time and location (no meeting Thanksgiving week) 
  • Weeks of December 2 and 9 | Trios meet according to individualized meeting time and location
  • December 16 | All-Trio Meeting and Christmas Celebration (Fellowship Hall, MPC) 

*Monthly All-Trio meetings take place on Monday evenings from 7:30–9pm at McLean Presbyterian Church, 1020 Balls Hill Road, McLean, VA 22101

More About WDW

  • What’s the Plan?

  • What’s the Plan?

  • Is This Program for Me?

  • Interested in Serving as a Trio Facilitator?

Fall session participants will be studying Paul’s letter to the Colossians which focuses on how to live and walk with Jesus in the knowledge that he is sufficient for all of our needs. We will work through Colossiansan At His Feet Bible Study by Hope A. Blanton and Christine B. Gordon. Our key verse is Colossians 1:27b, “Christ in you, the hope of glory.We are asking each participant to contribute $5 toward the cost of the book

  • Are you seeking an opportunity to grow more like Jesus, develop your faith muscles, and be better able to apply biblical knowledge to your life’s circumstances?  
  • Are you interested in practicing the walk of faith together in community and learning to disciple others?  
  • Are you willing to make a commitment to a Trio and to attending both monthly and weekly meetings? 
  • Have you considered your other commitments and responsibilities in making this decision to participate? 

If the answer is yes to the above questions, then Women Discipling Women is for you!  

Are you ready to stretch your own faith by coming alongside others as you do life together? Do you like people and have a desire to help others apply truth into their hearts and lives? Are you willing to learn how to be a better listener, facilitator, and discipler? Do you believe God is calling you to serve as a Trio facilitator?


Register for WDW

Registration for the Fall 2024 Session has closed; stay tuned for info about our upcoming cohort in 2025! Questions? Email [email protected].